Regent’s Park, how to visit the most beautiful park in London

If you are going to travel to London for the first time, possibly the park that most sounds to you is Hyde Park , but the truth is that the most beautiful and important park in the British capital is Regent’s Park .

It is the urban park that contains corners with more beauty and more varied, and also, the largest, with almost 200 hectares.

Regent's Park in London
Regent’s Park in London

But Regent’s Park is also the most modern park in the city ​​of London

Regent's Park in London
Regent’s Park in London

History Regent’s Park

Its origins date back to the early nineteenth century, when in its current location there were hunting grounds used by King Henry VIII .

Its configuration as a park began in 1811 with the intention of the regent king Jorge IV to use these hunting grounds to build a residential area that combined large villas and parks, as well as a summer palace.


But finally, due to lack of funding, the urban project resulted in a large public park.

Of course, Nash could give Regent’s Park all the characteristics of the beautiful English gardens .

Fence of the Regent's Park Inner Circle in London
Fence of the Regent’s Park Inner Circle in London

Regent’s Park , open to the public in 1838 , concentrates its most beautiful landscapes in the southern part of the park.

In the north it is located and you can visit the London Zoo , the oldest zoo in the world.

In this southern part, this great London urban park is designed with two concentric circles, and only in the limit of both there is a road for vehicle; the rest of the park is completely pedestrian.

How to get to Regent’s Park

To visit the park, if you have time to take a quiet walk, I recommend you start the tour by its southeast edge, to go to the center and then to the southwest, where there are perhaps more scenic areas.


To this end, it is best that if you go by metro, get off at the subway station of Regent ‘s Park .

Avenue Gardens of Regent's Park in London
Avenue Gardens of Regent’s Park in London

What to see in Regent’s Park

From there you can enter the park and head north through the malls of Avenue Gardens , beautifully landscaped areas with many decorative elements typical of English gardens.

When you get to the road, you can follow it to the left and it will lead you to the gateway to the Inner Circle , or inner circle of Regent’s Park .

Just enter this area, on the left you have the rose garden , a flower bed that in May has to be impressive with flowers, a small lake, and the beautiful gardens known as Queen Mary’s Gardens .

And walking along the trails, something further north you can see the Open Air Theater of Regent’s Park , where many events are held.

Finally, towards the west you will reach the great lake of Regent’s Park , known as Boating Lake .

You can make the complete return to it between swans and weeping willows.

Or you can even rent a boat to navigate the lake.

If you do not have too much time to walk around the park, it is advisable to access it through this area, which you get from the area where is metro stationof Baker Street .

In the surroundings you will also find the  Madame Tussauds museum and the Sherlock Homes museum .