Going up to Panecillo is the first visit you should make in your trip to Quito, because it will allow you to have spectacular panoramic views of the historic center .

In this panoramic view there is a building that will surely attract your attention due to its great architectural contrast with the most significant historic buildings in Quito .

That is why it is more “shocking” to find a church of this Neo-Gothic architectural style, which was also completed and was consecrated in 1988, 30 years ago.
In this regard you should know that the National Basilica is considered the largest neo-Gothic temple in America.
Leaving aside the limited architectural interest of the building, the truth is that if you have time during your stay in Quito , you will surely be surprised to visit it.
And with more reason knowing that you can climb one of its tower from where you will have the opposite panoramic views of Quito, with the Panecillo in the background.

That was the case during my recent trip to the Ecuadorian capital, when I took the opportunity to approach the Basilica with the intention of climbing its towers, since it is also very close to the historic center.
History National Basilica of Quito
From the Basilica of Quito the first stone was laid in 1892, after the decision to build it in the time of President Gabriel García Moreno .
Now when you get there, you’ll see a building that will remind you of Gothic cathedrals like Burgos or Notre Dame de Paris .
With a length of 150 meters and a width of 35 meters, its central nave also has a height of 35 meters.
For its part, the two towers that rise above the main facade reach almost 80 meters.

How to climb the tower of the National Basilica
In your visit, in addition to being able to travel inside your ship, you can climb a tower, but not the ones mentioned on the main facade.
Specifically, you will climb a lower tower in the shape of an arrow located on the transept.
Of course, I tell you that it is not an upgrade suitable for people who suffer from vertigo.
From the entrance you will go up in elevator to a first level, from where you have a viewpoint that offers you the first panoramic views of the city of Quito, with the two towers of the Basilica in the foreground.
But to climb to the highest point, you must make the ascent by an almost vertical staircase in which at each moment there can only be one person.
Of course from there you will have the best panoramic views, as you can see in the photos that accompany this report.

From there, in the distance, you can see the Panecillo , which will close the circle of your views of the historic center of Quito .
Schedule Basilica of Quito
If you finally dare to approach the Basilica of Quito , you should know that their visiting hours are from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and weekends, from 6 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
The price of the ticket to go up to the tower is US $ 2.